Project Leader, Organisation
John Lovett, Lovett Associates.
Following a successful International Master Class (IMC) sponsored by The Crawford Fund and The Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre (PBCRC), held in Denpasar, Bali, in January 2018 a number of proposals was received to mount Regional Master Classes (RMC). A novel concept, a RMC would be based on co-funding with a local host, typically, a university; would focus on specific interests in biosecurity in defined regions of the archipelago, and would providing expert training and network development in a cost-effective manner.
Hosted by Universitas Kristen Sacaya Watana (Salatiga) the inaugural RMC was supported by The Crawford Fund, the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI), the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA) and the APBSF. 21 Participants, primarily from Java, and representing a diverse range of public and private sector interests, gathered in Salatiga 10 to 16 February. The Program comprised a mix of presentations by Indonesian and international speakers; workshops and exercises; development of four projects for which resources are being sought, and the preparation of brief papers based on the Participants’ own biosecurity experiences. These papers have been published by the Foundation.
23 ‘early career’ Participants drawn, principally, from East Nusa Tenggara gathered in Kupang for RMC 2 (18 to 23 November 2019). Principal support came from the host university, Universitas Nusa Cendana (UNDANA), and the Foundation. The Program followed the Salatiga model with the exception of Day 1 which, at the request of the Rector UNDANA, was presented as an International Conference.
Since the Participants represented diverse public and private sectors good progress was made towards achieving the project’s objective of creating a new cohort of biosecurity-aware individuals and organisations. This network will link with the existing network developed by bilateral investments by the PBCRC in collaboration with Indonesian colleagues (2015-present). While the bilateral relationship will be enhanced, the involvement of CABI, CEBRA and The Crawford Fund will strengthen the Foundation’s objective of raising its international profile.
- Indonesian Biosecurity Foundation
- Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga
- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI)
- Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA)
- The Crawford Fund
The Final Report can be viewed here.
The first Regional Master Class produced a publication, compiling all the complete, current or proposed projects shared at the meeting. It is available to download here.
- Lovett J., Prabawa T.S., Susilowati L. & Falk I. (Eds) 2019. Biosecurity and Biodiversity: Keys to promoting local food for food security and food sovereignty. Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation, Canberra, Australia
The second Regional Masterclass also produced a publication that can be downloaded here.
- Lovett J., Widinugraheni S., Milligan A. (Eds) 2020. Plant Biosecurity and Biodiversity in Dryland Areas in a Time of Climate Change. Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation, Canberra, Australia